How I got started

I have been interested in computers as long as I can remember. I began building and servicing my own computers in my teenage years. In 2009 a neighbor came to me knowing that I was good at solving computer issues. His computer was overheating, and shutting down randomly. I took a look at it and within 10 minutes diagnosed the problem; the computer was full of dust, and protecting itself from overheating by shutting itself down.

I cleaned out the vents, and booted it up, I took a quick look at how the computer was running , and realized that there was also some malicious looking software installed on the computer, another 20 minutes of scanning and fixing the infections and the computer was running perfectly. Under an hour I had brought this computer back from the brink of the recycling bin.

He thanked me and refused to leave without paying me. He explained that I had saved him hundreds of dollars, as his next stop was the store for a new machine. After some hesitation I accepted payment, and he went on his way. Word spread in town that I could fix computers, and soon I was getting calls from neighbors I had never met. One after one I fixed my neighbors computers, and began to make new friends.

More than 10 years after that neighbor came to me with his overheating laptop, I have expanded to many cities in Montgomery County Maryland including Bethesda, Chevy Chase, Potomac, Rockville, and Leisure World to name a few. I have serviced countless private residences and small businesses in these areas. I enjoy helping others and working on computers, and look forward to maybe helping you some day. If you are in need of help with your computer, device, or gadget, feel free to get in contact with me today.